Visualizing My Mind

Vaishali Verma
2 min readNov 2, 2020


The Idea:
It was April 2019 when my husband was told about the possibility of moving to the US. After doing all that it takes, we arrived on the 15th of January 2020. I relocated to various places growing up and so this was a good-to-have-move after spending 10+ years in Bangalore. Only this time, Idecided to keep a track of what I think.

Also, in parallel, I was reading Giorgia Lupi’s Dear Data showing how data needs to be human and how important it is to focus on a small data set than what is usually called ‘big data’

The Design:

I had been noting my thoughts all along and so I had a pageful of them. Initially I thought to color code every noun and adjective, but I ended up with too many colors and a completely lost output. After failing here, i realized that I needed to have certain parameters to showcase this data. So I stuck to the most natural ones — did this situation come to my mind earlier, what am i doing to come in sync and what part of my brain is getting involved. But after a careful inspection, I found that it needed me to define a data driven language to showcase my points else it will get lost again.

It needed a lot of thought deciding the questions to which my data would respond. And while i was exploring the possible options, i realized the amount of proximity it has with psychology. Truely, it was my prized take away from this project.

Because circle and square do not offer a lot of playing field when it comes to rotation, triangle/rectangle were the only options left. A triangle is not a largely used shape in data viz, and so I had my answer. Permutation and combination led me to get the final shapes in order.

Apart from the physical tasks involved in relocation, it takes a lot of mental strength too. And so in the end, there is a summation of what more goes into relocation — apart from 25 boxes and the Atlantic ocean.
I am glad i made this well in time. Else in my desperation to blend into the surroundings, I would have lost the honesty in them.



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